Features of the operation, application and connection of the 220V LED strip

Светодиодная лента 220 вольтПодключение

The 220V LED strip is characterized by ease of assembly and installation. It does not need a power supply – it is directly connected to the AC mains. To properly connect the tape, you need to figure out how it works, what is the principle of its operation and where it is recommended to install this device.
LED strip 220 volts

The device and principle of operation of the LED strip 220V

Consider how the tape is arranged and what are the principles of its operation using high voltage power:

  • standard LEDs are used for operation (supply voltage – 3.3 volts);
  • to eliminate the frequent flashing of 50 hertz, polar power is required using a diode bridge;
  • LEDs are connected in series in a circuit – 60 LEDs per 1 meter (220 volts: 3.3 volts). As a result, you do not need a 12 volt power supply.

The SMD LEDs that the tape is equipped with are not designed to be connected directly to a 220 volt network, so you will definitely need to purchase a converter. They are usually purchased in a given length together with a rectifier or separately, according to the required footage. With the help of a rectifier (diode bridge), a voltage is applied to the LED strip, which is converted to approximately 200 V, and light is emitted. This is the principle of operation without a step-down transformer and smoothing filter. To increase the reliability of the LED strip, it is recommended to connect two diodes together – this will ensure uninterrupted operation of the system in the event of a breakdown of one of them. In this case, the remaining LED will take on the increased load.

Such an LED strip cannot be connected directly to a 220 volt network. This will inevitably lead to its breakdown.

Where is it applied?

Most often, 220V LED strips are used by entrepreneurs to illuminate and highlight signs, billboards, banners and other advertising objects in order to attract the attention of potential buyers to them. At the same time, the scope of the 220V LED strip is significantly narrowed. The manufacturer does not recommend installing it in residential premises, as well as where people are constantly located. This is due to the frequency of the impulse voltage (100 Hz), which occurs as a result of using a rectifier. The result is a flickering light, which, although not visible to the human eye, is perceived negatively by the body. First of all, damage is done to the brain and nervous system.

To avoid electric shock, it is not recommended to install a 220V LED strip in places with high humidity: baths, bathrooms, etc.

If necessary, this disadvantage can be solved by adding a capacitor to the circuit, which will act as a smoothing filter. But all this will ultimately affect the fact that the system:

  • will become more expensive;
  • dimensions will increase;
  • the voltage will rise to 280V.

Taking into account all these nuances, you should not upgrade this LED strip, but use it through a rectifier in the places recommended by the manufacturer. In most cases, it is great for outdoor installation, for lighting fences and facades of houses. It is not recommended to hang 220V LED strip on Christmas trees indoors. Effectively, it will look like a tree decoration in winter, for example, on New Year’s Eve, the main thing is to connect it correctly.

Connecting LED strip 220V
The principle of connecting a 220V LED strip


LED strip 220V has many advantages. Let’s highlight the most significant of them:

  • No power supply required for operation . This has a positive effect on the overall cost.
  • Possibility of serial connection of a tape up to 100 meters long . The product does not need to be soldered in small parallel sections, since the tape is sold in 50-100 meter spools.
  • It has a sufficiently high degree of protection (IP65-IP68) from atmospheric precipitation and other environmental influences harmful to the device, it goes on sale in silicone. The tape may be cleaned with a damp cloth.
  • There are no strict requirements for the minimum cross-section of wires , unlike 12 and 24-volt tapes, which require a cross-section of 1.5 square meters for power. mm or more. The main thing is strength, not current conductivity and resistance of the cores.

In addition, these tapes are different:

  • ease of installation and connection;
  • efficiency and reliability;
  • relatively low cost.

Low prices for these products are mainly due to the fact that the system is powered by 220V. The power scheme is simpler, it does not include expensive and exposed to external adverse factors elements, such as a power supply. The basis of the circuit is only a diode bridge.


With the obvious advantages of a 220V LED strip, preference is often given to other devices that are connected using
a power supply . This is due to the obvious shortcomings of the product, which are also plenty – and in many cases they stem from the positive aspects:

  • The absence of a power supply and, accordingly, a stabilizing element in the circuit . As a result, the voltage drops occurring in the network negatively affect the tape – it either shines dimly (voltage drop) or burns out (increase).
  • The ability to cut the tape only by 0.5.1 and 2 meters (unlike 12 and 24V tapes). If you need a backlight of 25 or 70 cm, this will not be possible.
  • Silicone coated . It is especially noticeable for a powerful tape (more than 7W per meter), which will become intensely heated. Requires heat dissipation and bonding to an aluminum substrate. But there will still be no full-fledged cooling, especially in summer. All this will negatively affect the life of the tape. In addition, the silicone coating has an unpleasant odor, especially when heated.
  • Requires strict adherence to safety regulations for working with electrical appliances , unlike 12-volt devices. There should be no insulated segments or wires.
  • Weak brightness . Even 220V tapes that are the same for 1 m in power are inferior to 12 and 24-volt LED strips.
  • No self-adhesive backing . To stick the tape where you need it, you will have to buy additional fasteners, for example, mounting clips. You can use simple cable ties or double-sided tape for cars.
  • The possibility of a short circuit and even fire . Inside the flexible LED strip are current-carrying conductors. If this type of LED strip is stretched or twisted, then the current-carrying conductors can come out of their grooves and close, which will lead to a short circuit.

Closing the tape 220VIt should also be noted that commercially available 220V LED strips are often of poor quality, especially those made in China. The LEDs in them quickly fail, on average, such a tape lasts no more than a year. As a result, you will either have to buy a new tape and remount it, or switch to a more reliable option.

How to connect LED strip 220V?

This can be done by anyone who is able to work with the simplest electrical devices in the apartment, for example, replace or install a switch. It is only necessary to stock up on a rectifier (diode bridge). This rectifier is inexpensive. However, those who want to save money on this can do it themselves. It will only be necessary to solder 4 LEDs using a diode bridge circuit. Those who do not like to understand much about various schemes can purchase a one-piece bridge. All that remains is to connect the wires to it and put it in a case, also made by yourself.

When buying a diode bridge, look at the power rating. When connecting a low power tape, it must be at least 700 W per 100 m, more powerful – for 40 m of the tape length. This will be enough to illuminate a large area.

The installation scheme is simple: you just need to connect two wires with the correct polarity. When connecting the color version of the tape, you must connect the RGB controller wire, consistent with the color marking. Phased connection involves the following steps:

  1. Cut the tape to the required length, which should be a multiple, usually 0.5 or 1 m (specified by the manufacturer).
  2. Insulate the cut end with a plug. In its absence, hot glue or sealant can be used.
  3. Connect the other end to the straightener using a special silicone ring connector. Seal the joint carefully in the same way.
  4. Connect the wire from the rectifier, remembering to observe the polarity.
  5. Carefully check the tape and each connection for tightness. They must be well insulated to prevent moisture from getting inside, as well as electric shock to a person.
  6. After that, you can proceed to the final stage – the inclusion of the led strip in the 220 volt network.

Polarity must be strictly observed when connecting. A polarity error at this voltage can cause the LED to fail. To fix the problem, remove the connector, turn the connector over and plug the device back into the outlet.

Watch the video review of the 220V LED strip, which discusses its advantages and disadvantages, and also explains the network connection diagram: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rEbvHAWsU4 220V LED strip is not suitable for all rooms. At the same time, it has proven itself well, for example, to illuminate billboards. Before buying such a tape, you need to study all its pros and cons well – then you will clearly know whether it is suitable for your project.

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  1. Кирилл

    спасибо, за такую статью, очень долго с женой ломали голову почему светодиоды горят не ярко, нашли ответ тут

  2. Игорь

    Долго думал как подключить светодиодную ленту, эта статья очень помогла спасибо

  3. Славик

    “Во избежание поражения током не рекомендуется устанавливать светодиодную ленту на 220V в местах с повышенной влажностью ”
    Спасибо за информацию а то я хотел поставить себе в ванной как неонку … Статья супер без лишней воды 💡

  4. Антон

    Подскажите, а можно ли установить светодиодную ленту на кухне? В том числе и над раковиной, тут в статье написано, что не рекомендуется устанавливать в местах с повышенной влажностью. 🙄
    У знакомых лента установлена на кухне протяженностью всей столешки, под шкафчиком, выглядит эффектно, и очень здоровски помогает.

  5. Nuri

    Два года назад использовала светодиодные ленты у себя в комнате на стене. Допустила тогда множество ошибок при установке. Сейчас, прочитав вашу статью, поняла какие ошибки были допущены при установке светодиодных лент. Спасибо за полезную статью!

  6. Павел

    Самое главное это, действительно, не проводить модернизации такой светодиодной ленты, ведь каждый из видов светодиодных лент рассчитан на определенный режим работы, который протестированный производителем. К тому же это экономически не выгодно, поскольку лента долго не прослужит, в “новых” условиях эксплуатации. В лентах на 220 вольт, мне больше всего нравится то, что не надо использовать блока питания, но с другой стороны это есть причиной дополнительных требований к правилам безопасности при эксплуатации.

  7. Алекс

    Всегда думал, что светодиодная лента для баловства. И недавно столкнулся с задачей “подсветить клавиатуру” На выдвижной подставке в столе. Собственно, начал лазить по ютубу, ничего подобного не было, но по аналогии с мебельными решениями, сделал немного проще, чем они рекомендовали покупать отдельный блок питания для понижения напряжения и куча всяких приспособ. Взял старый блок питания от антенны и метровую светодиодную ленту. Припаял и эврика – заработало. Теперь светит, как днем, а самое главное, что лента была клейкая, без каких-либо гвоздей и шурупов обошелся.
