Подключение светодиодных ламп на 12 вольтПодключение
Features and connection of 12 volt LED lamps
With the development of electrical engineering, the traditional incandescent lamp is no longer the only option for home lighting. 12V LED lamps have gained
Рассчитывает мощность светодиодных лампПодключение
How to calculate the required power of LED lamps?
Common types of lamps on the Russian market are halogen, fluorescent, standard incandescent lamps and LED light sources. Of all categories, LEDs are leading today.
Причины мерцания светодиодной лампочкиПодключение
Why is the LED lamp flashing and how to solve the problem?
The flickering and flashing of LED lamps is not only unpleasant for the eyes, but also harmful. The reasons for the undesirable phenomenon lie both in
Ремонт светодиодных лампПодключение
Types of breakdowns, and self-repair of LED lamps
LED lamps are superior to competitors in almost all positions. But, despite the stated service life, some devices burn out even before the end of the warranty period.
Ремонт светодиодного светильника АрмстронгПодключение
How to Repair an Armstrong LED Downlight
Armstrong lamps are known for their wide range of applications, ease of installation and luminous flux (brightness) parameters. LEDs have moved the market leader –
Устройство светодиодной лампыПодключение
Varieties of driver circuits and its connection
To select a driver for an LED lamp and, in the future, install it correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the necessary diagrams and parameters.
Драйвер для светодиодных лампПодключение
The design and principle of operation of drivers for LED lamps
Drivers are special devices that ensure stable operation of LED lamps. Without them, diodes are unstable and quickly fail. We will learn how drivers are
What is a driver for led-lamps, how to choose and check this device?
Special electronic circuits – drivers – allow you to extend the life of the LEDs, make their glow uniform and of high quality.
Светодиодная лента 220 вольтПодключение
Features of the functioning, application and connection of the LED strip for 220V
The 220V LED strip is characterized by ease of assembly and installation. It does not need a power supply – it is directly connected to the AC mains.
Подключение блока питанияПодключение
Features of the choice and connection of the power supply to the LED strip
The power supply for the LED strip is the most important element for organizing effective lighting. You need to familiarize yourself with the principle